Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hands-On with Avatar of War for iPhone

Hands-On with Avatar of War for iPhone
Action is quite a popular genre for iPhone applications, with the every minute spent on hacking and slashing opponents. In the case of Avatar of War, the hack and slash element is present, but the similarities with most action titles end there. The game calls for some strategy and a keen eye for detail. After [...]

Action is quite a popular genre for iPhone applications, with the every minute spent on hacking and slashing opponents. In the case of Avatar of War, the hack and slash element is present, but the similarities with most action titles end there. The game calls for some strategy and a keen eye for detail. After all, the ability to act upon your players’ gestures can either bring you the hefty spoils of war or turn your army into mere statistics.

Avatar of War works like an RPG, since the members of your army gain levels after grabbing experience through each battle. Through each Level Up, your army increases their stats, though not significantly, making them slightly better fighters. You can purchase better weapons as you progress through the game, using the money picked up from each won battle. The medieval setting scores major points for action RPG fans.

The game features a unique gesture system, which sets it apart from other medieval action titles on the iPhone. It is prevalent in every battle, as you draw, not push buttons, to create gestures for your troops. Each gesture set has an assigned set of movements. For instance, a created gesture can send the front liners straight through enemy lines, while another can place some of your troops on the defensive.

The gestures, although interesting, can be a bit confusing to time and pull off. Responsiveness becomes a problem, especially when flocks of sprites do battle, which puts the player at a huge disadvantage. If the gestures are triggered by buttons, as opposed to the running your fingers on the screen, the game would be a lot more fun to play.

However, even with the drawbacks, this iPhone application still has high entertainment value, especially when you get the hang of the gesture system. You’ll have fun whacking hordes of opponents with your merry band of soldiers, as they create a rather pleasant path of destruction. The different types of soldiers that can be mobilized add even more to the fun factor, and play a role in forming strategies.

This enjoyable slasher is compatible with the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, running on at least iOS 3.0. To download, just check out this link.

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